Recommendation: Ms. Marvel Volume 7, Damage Per Second by G. Willow Wilson, et. al.
In this collection, Kamala Khan is facing the aftermath of tragic events in New Jersey and trying to reconnect after her time in Pakistan with extended family. She is trying to encourage more people to go out and vote, in hopes that more people will choose the less high profile, but more qualified candidate, rather than the two frontrunners who lack integrity. In the meantime, a cyberbully has infiltrated Ms. Marvel's Battlecraft universe, and she must stop it, before this cyberbully hurts those close to her or forces Ms. Marvel into an act that goes against her principles. In the meantime, we get a glimpse of Bruno's new life in Wakanda, as he tries to make new friends and gain confidence after his severe accident. I was so excited about the next volume that came out today, I went ahead and ordered it with the Amazon gift certificate my parents got me for Christmas! The new Ms. Marvel continues to thrive as the character continues to grow, and as Brene Brown would say, brave her own wilderness.
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